Core Principles of Soil Mechanics

R1200,00 Incl. VAT

Product Code: TD/TTP/CPOSM
This ICE Textbook covers the major topics in soil mechanics through a simple, practical approach for easy learning within a limited timeframe. Covering the principles and recent developments of these topics such as soil classification and characteristics, consolidation and compressibility, shear strength, stresses and fluid flow, the book is extensively illustrated, including worked examples throughout, a summary of key learning points at the end of each chapter, and self-assessment question and answer sections.

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Weight 500 g

Sanjay Kumar Shukla


ICE Publishing

ISBN Number




Contents Preface vii
About the author vix
1 Basic description of soil 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Phases in a soil mass 2
1.3 Phase relationships 4
1.4 Phase inter-relationships 10
1.5 Weathering and soil formation 12
1.6 Clay mineralogy 13
1.7 Types of soil and soil structure 17
References 20
Further reading 21
2 Particle size and shape, consistency and classification of soil 23
2.1 Introduction 23
2.2 Particle size analysis of soil 23
2.3 Soil particle shape 29
2.4 Consistency of soil 30
2.5 Soil classification and description 37
References 43
Further reading 44
3 Stresses within soil 45
3.1 Introduction 45
3.2 Concept of stress 45
3.3 Effective stress principle 47
3.4 Soil capillarity and effective stress 52
3.5 Coefficient and lateral stress 55
3.6 Stresses within soil induced by applied loads 56
References 64
Further reading 64
4 Fluid flow through soil 65
4.1 Introduction 65
4.2 Nature and concept of fluid flow 65
4.3 Darcy’s law and flow velocity 69
4.4 Determination of permeability 72
4.5 Permeability of stratified soil 76
4.6 Seepage force and its effect on effective stress 77
4.7 Basic flow equation 81
4.8 Flow net 84
References 89
Further reading 90
5 Consolidation and compressibility of soil 91
5.1 Introduction 91
5.2 Basic stress-strain relationships 92
5.3 Confined compression test 96
5.4 Mechanics of 1D consolidation 105
5.5 Terzaghi’s 1D consolidation theory 109
5.6 Determination of C?
5.7 Secondary consolidation 115
5.8 Computation of settlement 116
References 122
Further reading 122
6 Shear strength of soil 123
6.1 Introduction 123
6.2 Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion 123
6.3 Representation of state of stress at a point 124
6.4 Fundamentals of shear test 129
6.5 Direct shear test 132
6.6 Triaxial compression Test 135
6.7 Unconfined compression test 142
6.8 Vane shear test 144
References 146
Further reading 147
7 Compaction of soil 149
7.1 Introduction 149
7.2 Laboratory compaction 150
7.3 Factors affecting compaction 157
7.4 Effect of compaction on engineering behaviour 159
7.5 Field compaction 159
References 165
Further reading 166
8 Lateral earth pressure, slope stability and bearing capacity of soil 167
8.1 Introduction 167
8.2 Lateral earth pressure 168
8.3 Slope stability 175
8.4 Bearing capacity 180
References 188
Further reading 189
Index 191