Earthworks A guide Second edition

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Product Code: TD/TTP/EAG2
Earthworks a guide outlines the key principles and practicalities for projects of all scales, from the construction of minor works through to major earth structures. It provides comprehensive coverage of the essential processes behind classification of fills, excavation, fill material design, fill selection, fill compaction, and cutting and embankment stability, offering information on these critical topics to earthworks engineers.

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Weight 1000 g

Paul Nowak and Peter Gilber (Originally created by N.A Trenter)


ICE Publishing

ISBN Number



Second Edition



Contents Preface to the first edition ix
Preface to the second edition xiii
Acknowledgements for the first edition xv
Acknowledgements for the second edition xvii
1 Earthworks: an historical perspective 1
1.1 Highways 1
1.2 Canals 5
1.3 Railways 6
1.4 Reservoirs 7
1.5 Modern development of a design-based
approach 9
References 13
2 The compaction process 15
2.1 Introduction 15
2.2 Phase relationships 15
2.3 Optimum water content and maximum dry
density 16
2.4 Effect of compactive effort 18
2.5 Effect of initial fill water content 19
2.6 Compaction of fill with oversize particles 20
References 22
3 An introduction to fill classification and a
commentary on some characteristics of fine
(cohesive) fills 25
3.1 Soil description and fill classification 25
3.2 Special characteristics of clay soils 30
3.3 Properties 32
3.4 Behaviour of fine (cohesive) fill: temporary
works 37
3.5 Behaviour of fine (cohesive) fill: permanent
works 39
3.6 Clay fill as landfill liner 44
References 47
4 Some characteristics of coarse (granular) and
weak rock fill 51
4.1 Introduction 51
4.2 Soil description and fill classification 51
4.3 Properties 55
4.4 Behaviour of coarse (granular) and some weak
rock fills: temporary works 60
4.5 Behaviour of coarse (granular) and some weak
rock fills: permanent works 62
References 66
5 Some characteristics of soft rocks 69
5.1 General 69
5.2 Mercia Mudstone 69
5.3 Chalk 71
5.4 Other soft rocks 77
References 77
6 Some properties of industrial fill 79
6.1 Introduction 79
6.2 Colliery discard (minestone) 80
6.3 Pulverised fuel ash (PFA) 86
6.4 Construction and demolition waste 89
6.5 Other natural waste materials 89
6.6 Other industrial waste products 90
6.7 Use of material as working platforms 92
References 92
7 Earthworks specifications 95
7.1 Introduction 95
7.2 Method specification 96
7.3 End-product specification 97
7.4 Performance specification 98
7.5 Hybrid types of specification 98
References 99
8 Earthworks fill design and setting specification
limits 101
8.1 Introduction 101
8.2 Investigations for earthworks 103
8.3 Preliminary design considerations 106
8.4 Design and control testing 122
8.5 Compaction trials 147
8.6 Control test frequency 149
References 151
9 Excavation 155
9.1 Introduction 155
9.2 Soil excavation 156
9.3 Definition of rock 157
9.4 Rock excavation 159
9.5 Bulking and shrinkage 163
References 164
10 Placement and compaction of fill 167
10.1 Introduction 167
10.2 Preparation of site prior to filling 167
10.3 Fill deposition 169
10.4 Factors influencing compaction 170
10.5 Fill conditioning 178
10.6 Special problems 186
10.7 Earthworks validation 196
References 201
11 Cuttings: some design and construction
considerations 203
11.1 Introduction 203
11.2 Cuttings in soil: method of approach 203
11.3 Stability analysis: long-term condition 205
11.4 Stability analysis: short-term conditions 217
11.5 Effect of shallow depth features on stability 219
11.6 Drainage and frost-heave 221
11.7 Vegetation 224
11.8 Cuttings in rock: method of approach 225
11.9 Stabilisation of cutting slopes 230
References 233
12 Embankments: some design and construction
considerations 239
12.1 Introduction 239
12.2 Method of approach 239
12.3 Stability analysis: long-term condition 242
12.4 Stability analysis: short-term condition 250
12.5 Settlement 252
12.6 Effect of shallow depth features on stability 257
12.7 Construction aspects 262
12.8 Drainage aspects 263
References 265
13 Factor of safety of cuttings and embankments 269
13.1 General 269
13.2 Possible approach to factor of safety selection 275
References 279
14 Earthworks asset management 281
14.1 Introduction 281
14.2 Asset management systems 281
14.3 Asset catalogue and assessment 282
14.4 Stability and performance 283
14.5 Remediation of existing assets 286
References 286
15 Use of instrumentation 289
15.1 General 289
15.2 Types of instrumentation 290
References 296
16 Safety considerations 297
16.1 General 297
16.2 Legislation and guidance 297
16.3 Management of health and safety risks 299
References 300
Appendix 1 End product specification for engineered fill
supporting low rise structures
(from NA Trenter and JA Charles, 1996) 303
A1. Engineered Fill 303
A2. Selection of end product requirements 305
A3. Preparation of site 306
A4. Disposition of fill 306
A5. Placing and compacting fill 307
A6. Control testing 308
A7. Monitoring of fill performance 309
References 309
Appendix 2 Examples of plant commonly used for
earthworks 311
Plant to excavate and load 311
Earthmoving plant 313
Bulldozers and motor graders 315
Earthworks processing 316
Compaction plant 318
References 322
Appendix 3 Planning and construction for earthworks
projects 323
Earthmoving 324
Compaction 325
Reference 331
Index 333