Energy Production and Reservoir Water Quality – A – Guide to the regulatory, Technical, and Theoreti

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Product Code: TD/ASC/EPRWQ
The inextricable link between energy production and reservoir water quality poses an ongoing challenge for civil engineers. Energy production processes can influence reservoir water quality, and reservoir water quality can limit energy production.

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Weight 700 g

J Martin, J Higgins, J Edinger, J Gordon



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Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1-1
1.1 Reservoirs and Energy Production 1-2
Hydroelectric Generation 1-3
The Future of Hydroelectric Production on Reservoirs 1-4
Thermal Generation 1-5
The Future of Thermal Energy Production on Reservoirs 1-6
1.2 Uses of Report 1-6
1.3 References 1-7
2 Regulatory Framework 2-1
2.1 Authorizations 2-2
2.2 Regulatory Emphasis 2-3
2.3 Procedural Emphasis 2-4
2.4 Water Quantity and Use Issues 2-5
2.5 Water Quality Impairment Lists and Pollution Allocation Issues 2-9
2.6 Standards and Criteria 2-10
2.7 Impairment Determination 2-10
2.8 Total Maximum Daily Loads 2-11
Elements of A TMDL and Schedules 2-11
TMDL Issues Related to Reservoir Water Quality 2-12
Pollutant Allocations and TMDL Implementation 2-13
2.9 Fish and Wildlife Issues 2-15
2.10 Effects of Operations on Wildlife and Fisheries 2-16
Fish Passage Issues 2-16
Entrainment and Impingement Issues 2-17
2.11 Water Quality and Flow 2-18
2.12 Endangered Species Act Issues (ESA) 2-19
2.13 Biocriteria 2-19
2.14 FERC Licencing Issues 2-21
2.15 Federal Power Act Provisions 2-22
FPA Section 4 ‘(E), Equal Consideration Standard 2-23
FPA Section 10′(A)(1) Comprehensive Development Standard 2-23
FPA Section 10 ‘(J) 2-24
FPA Section 30 C 2-24
FPA Section 18 2-24
FPA Section 31 A 2-24
2.16 Other Applicable Laws and Statutes 2-24
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 2-24
Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) 2-25
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) 2-25
Endangered Species Act (ESA) 2-25
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (WSRA) and the CEQ procedures 2-25
Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) – 1972 2-26
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 2-26
Clean Water Act (CWA) 2-26
2.17 Other Regulatory Issues 2-28
2.18 References 2-30
3 Fundamental Water Quality Processes 3-1
3.1 Types of Reservoirs 3-2
Mainstem Reservoirs 3-3
Storage Reservoirs 3-3
Transition Reservoirs 3-3
3.2 Reservoir Zones 3-3
Riverine Zone 3-4
Transition Zone 3-4
Lacustrine Zone 3-5
3.3 Reservoir Hydrodynamics 3-5
3.4 Water Properties 3-6
3.5 Reservoir Stratification 3-7
3.6 Reservoir Heat Sources and Sinks 3-8
3.7 Particle Settling and Transport 3-9
3.8 Light and Heat Penetration 3-9
3.9 Dissolved Oxygen in Stratified Reservoirs 3-10
3.10 Anoxic Reservoir Processes 3-12
Deoxygenation 3-13
Denitrification 3-13
Ammonification 3-13
Manganese Reduction 3-14
Iron Reduction 3-14
Sulfate Reduction 3-14
Acidification of Organics 3-14
Methane Formation 3-14
Anaerobic Summary 3-15
3.11 Reservoir Discharge and Operation Effects 3-15
3.12 Tailwater Quality 3-16
Tailwater Temperature 3-16
Tailwater Dissolved Oxygen 3-16
Tailwater Iron and Manganese Oxidation 3-17
Tailwater Nutrients and Other Materials 3-17
3.13 References 3-22
4 Numerical Hydrodynamic and Transport Models for Reservoirs 4-1
4.1 Governing Equations for Mass, Momentum, Constituent
Mass and Heat Conservation 4-2
Theoretical Basis for Flow Modeling 4-2
Coordinate System 4-4
Turbulent Time-Averaged Equations 4-5
Overview of Turbulence Closure Modelling Approaches 4-16
Modeling Approaches 4-24
4.2 Mathematical solution techniques, computational efficiency and
hydrodynamic and water quality model linkages 4-45
Solution Techniques 4-45
Computational Efficiency 4-66
Model Inputs 4-67
Use and Linkages for Water Quality Modeling 4-67
4.3 References 4-69
5 Water Quality Modeling Theory 5-1
5.1 Introduction 5-1
5.2 Eutrophication Modeling 5-4
Eutrophication Processes 5-4
Model Formulation and Computational Properties 5-5
Evaluation of Kinetic Coefficients 5-6
Future Directions in Eutrophication Modeling 5-14
5.3 Sediment Exchange Processes 5-15
Model Framework 5-18
Computation of SOD and Sediment Release Rates 5-24
Nitrate 5-26
Phosphate and Silica 5-28
Water Quality Linkage 5-29
5.4 Toxics modeling 5-29
Risk and Hazard Assessments 5-31
Modeling Organic Chemicals 5-33
Modeling Metals 5-43
Slow Reactions 5-50
Bioaccumulaton Modeling 5-50
Evaluating Sediment Transport and Stability 5-51
5.5 Heat budget modeling 5-52
5.6 References 5-65
6 Modeling Systems and Their Application 6-1
6.1 Models and modeling systems 6-1
6.2 The model application procedure 6-4
Step 1: Identify the Problem 6-4
Step 2: Assess Prototype Conditions 6-6
Step 3: Develop the Modeling Plan 6-7
Step 4: Build the Model Grid 6-14
Step 5: Assemble Boundary Condition Data 6-19
Step 6: Assemble Initial Conditions Data 6-25
Step 7: Assemble calibration and evaluation data 6-27
Step 8: Develop Model input 6-30
Step 9: Test and Calibrate the model 6-31
Step 10: Apply the model 6-37
Data quality issues 6-38
Quality Assurance (QA) Planning 6-39
6.3 References 6-43
7 Case Studies 7-1
7.1 Water Quality Modeling of the Tennessee River system
to Support Beneficial Water Uses 7-4
Introduction 7-4
Site Description 7-4
Approach to Water Quality Assessment 7-5
Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Models 7-7
Model Application 7-8
Examples of Model Output and Evaluation Metrics 7-9
Conclusions 7-10
References 7-11
7.2 Limnology and Water Quality in a Multi-Zone Reservoir;
Flaming Gorge Reservoir 7-23
Description of Project 7-23
Geologic Setting-Paleolimnolgy 7-24
Longitudinal zonation 7-24
Issues involved 7-25
Sediment/phosphorus diagenesis in the riverine/transitional
zone 7-26
Studies and Modeling 7-27
Selective Level Outlet works 7-28
Summary 7-29
References 7-29
7.3 Old Hickory Reservoir 7-33
Bathymetry 7-34
Time-of-travel tests 7-35
Calibration 7-35
Gallatin Steam Plant thermal and water quality impacts 7-38
7.4 Use of Systems Models in Conjunction with 3-D Models:
Gerald Gentlemen Station, Nebraska 7-41
Systems Model 7-42
Calibration procedure and results 7-45
Frequency of exceedance statistics 7-46
3-D Model 7-47
Calibration procedure and results 7-48
Simulated Pond Modifications 7-50
Conclusions 7-52
References 7-52
7.5 Effectiveness of an Internal Weir to Improve Water Quality
in a Hydroelectric Reservoir 7-53
The Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model 7-53
Input Conditions 7-54
Model Simulation Results 7-55
Conclusions 7-56
References 7-56
7.6 Hydrothermal Modeling Studies of Cooling Tower
Alternatives 7-63
Model Description and Input Data 7-64
Model Temperature Results 7-65
Verification of Temperature Results from Survey Data 7-65
Dissolved Oxygen Simulations and Results 7-67
Conclusions 7-68
References 7-68
8 Index 1-1