R620,00 Incl. VAT
Weight | 2000 g |
Author | G.R Wardle, G.E Blight & A.B Fourie |
Publisher | A.A Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield |
ISBN Number | 90 5809 082 5 |
Year | 1999 |
Preface XI
Organisation XII
1. Municipal, industrial and mining waste and environmental geotechnics
Dèchets urbains, miniers et industriels, gèotechnique de l’ environnement
Hydraulic stability of sanitary landfills liners 3
S.Bayoumi, H.El-Karamany & D.El-Monayeri
Environemental geotechnics in the new millennium 9
C.H Benson
The microlysimeter technique for measuring evapotranspiration losses from a soil surface 23
JJ. Blight & GE Blight
Biochemical clogging of drainage systems in landfills 29
J.E.S Boswell, K.C Fairley & H. Weber
Contribution of chemical hardening to strength gain of fly ash 35
A.B Fourie, G.E Blight & N. Barnard
A unique approach to evaluate the utility of landfill monitoring boreholes 43
M.Levin & B.Th Verhagen
Material selection and structural design, construction and maintenance of ramp roads 49
in open pit mines
P.Paige-Green & A.Heath
Static liquefaction of Merriespruit gold tailings 61
G.Papageorgiou, A.B Fourie & G.E Blight
Environmental geotechnics for an outfall sewer traversing a Ramsar wetland site 73
P.H Oosthuizen, A.N Cave & A.L Parrock
Bearing capacity of surface footings resting on treated and reinforced fly ash 83
S.A Raza, M.S Ahmad, M.A Khan, M. Husain & A.Sharma
Evaporation from clay soils – A laboratory study 89
Penstock failures on gold tailings dams in South Africa 95
Evon M. Wagener & S.W Jacobsz
Long-term integrity of residue deposits 101
J.A Wates, G. Strayton & G.de Swardt
Design of soil covers to reduce infiltration on rehabilitated opencast coal mines 109
J.A Waters, J.J.G Vermaak & N. Bezuidenhout
2 Foundation engineering and lateral support
Conception des fondations et soutènements
Interface stiffness effects on settlement of column-reinforced composite ground 123
M. Alamgir & N. Miura
Recent advances in design of shallow and deep foundations 131
O. Marèchal, D. Remaud, J Garnier & S. Amar
Theoretical analysis of the behaviour of clays around a pressuremeter 135
R.Bahar, Y.Abed & G. Olivari
The design and performance of driven-cast-in-situ piles in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 143
E.J Braithwaite & E.Fenn
Un cas d’instabilitè de sol de fondation: Exemple des marnes gonflantes de Rufisque, Sènègal 151
L.K. Cisse, M Fall & A. Rahal
Possibilitè d’utilisation de la boue rouge de Friguia dans la construction 161
M.S Dianè
Reinforcement of subsoil with sand and geotextile 167
A. Edinçliler& E.Güler
A geotechnical study of ‘Hippo mud’ in the Durban area, South Africa 171
C.I Ware & C.A Jermy
Experimental and numerical investigation of soil-nailed wall structures 177
J.Lai Sang & F.Scheele
Behaviour of double footings resting on cemented sand underlain by clay 183
N.E Marei
Experimental study of a strip footing on collapsible soil 189
M.Mashhour, M. Saad, A. Aly & E. El-Bahhi
Model footing tests on unsatured soils 195
S.Y. Oloo
Friction characteristics of sand/geotextile interfaces for three selected sand materials 201
D.Kalumba & F.Scheele
Reinforced Earth structures for headwalls to crushing plants in Africa 207
A.C.S Smith
Foundations engineering with the method of soil thermal stabilization by microwave energy 213
A.Z Zhusupbekov, JI Spektor, OL Denisov & S.F Shevzov
3 Transport geotechnics
La gèotechnique dans les moyens de transport
Long-term behaviour of soils stabilised with lime and with cement 219
Propriètès physico-mècaniques des matèriaux locaux utilisès dans les corps de chaussèe 233
en Côte d’Ivoire
Contribution á l’ètude des chaussées sur sols gonflants – Etudes de cas 241
S.Haddadi, N. Laradi & F. Kaoua
A brief review of chemical soil stabilisation by labour intensive methods using sulphonated 249
petroleum products
W.P.C van Steenderen
4 Monitoring, laboratory and field testing
Contrôle et le suivi, essais de laboratoire et in-situ
Quelques corrèlations entre essais in situ et essais de laboratoire pour certaines argiles 255
R.Bahar, F. Kaoua & T. Aissaoui
Industrial liquid wastes and the integrity of calcareous sand from Ain Helwan, Cairo 263
A.M Radwan, F.A Baligh & A.S El-Sayed
Calibrating pressure cells to measure pressures in structures retaining granular solids 271
G.E Bilght & A.R Halmagiu
Apport de la modèlisation en centrifugeuse á l’ analyse des pieux chargès latèralement 277
On the determination of vane shear strength of soft soils 285
M. Bouassida & S. Bousetta
Electronic geotechnical data – Formatting for the future 293
R.J Chandler & R Hutchison
Assessing the stiffness of soils and weak rocks 303
C.R.I Clayton
Geotechnical properties of Qoz soils 317
A.M El Sharief, Y.E-A Mohamedzein & Y.A Hussien
Dèformations permanentes sous chargements rèpètès de trois graveleux latèritiques 321
du Sènègal Occidental
The determination of soil-water characteristic curves from indicator tests 325
B.A Harrison & G.E Blight
Block sampling of soil: Some practical considerations 331
G.Heymann & C.R.I Clayton
Assessing the dispersivity of soils 341
C.A Jermy & D.J.H Walker
Remedial measures for slope failure of canal system – A case study 347
K.Venkatachalam, R.K Khitoliya & R. Chitra
The effect of type of reinforcement on the pullout force in reinforced soil 353
A.L. Kyulule
Mobilised swelling pressure of an expansive soil 359
K. Mawire & K. Senneset
Influence of reconsolidation stress history and strain rate on the behaviour of kaolin 365
over a wide range of strain
J.N Mukabi & F.Tatsuoka
The bar linear shrinkage test – More useful than we think! 379
P. Paige-Green & D. Ventura
Use of the Osterberg Cell for pile load evaluation 389
A.L Parrock, H. de Wet, W.F Hartley & J.A Hayes
The influence of pore water salt concentration on the measurement of soil suction 399
using the filter paper method
A.M Ridley & E.O Adenmosun
A new approach to the determination of the expansiveness of soils 405
H.D Schreiner
A pilot investigation into the clay-sized fractions of some typical natural soils 415
D.J Stephens & J.N Dunlevey
The use of embedded pressure cells to monitor geotechnical structures 421
J.P van der Berg, G. Heymann & C.R.I Clayton
5 Methods of design and analysis
Les mèthodes d’ ètude et de dimensionnement
Evaluation of risk factor for slope stability analysis 429
A.M Ansal & S. Zlatovi?
Rèsistance dynamique des pieux soumis ádes actions horizontales 435
H. Ejjaaouani, V. Shakhirev, H El Gamali & J.P Magnan
Analysis of progressive failure of earth slopes by finite elements 443
J.B Lechman & d.V Griffiths
Design and construction of the asphaltic concrete core at Ceres Dam 451
G.A Jones, A.C White & W.J Schreuder
Influence de la rotation des axes principaux des contraintes et/ou des dèformations 459
sura la rhèologie des sols et des matèriaux routiers
N.Laradi, s. Haddadi & F. Kaoua
Essais de cisaillement d’un grès sur un appareilage de petite et de grande dimension 467
M.Mpele & J.J Fry
Dynamic analyses of the new Ceres Dam 475
H.A.C Meintjes & G.A Jones
Utilisation des paramètres de forage pour le calcul de la capacitè portrante d’un pieu forè 483
B. Melbouci & J.C Roth
Nonlinear finite element analysis of load-deformation of soil-culvert systems 489
Y.E-A Mohamedzein
Osmotic pressures and effective stresses 495
A.D.W Sparks
A unified theory for clays, for students and practice 505
A.D.W Sparks
6 Spoil improvement
Amèlioration des sols
The design and construction of a dynamic soil replacement foundation in Mauritius 517
G.P Byrne, E.A Julienne & E.A Friedlander
Liquèfaction et consolidation des sols sableux sous l’action des charges dynamiques 527
M.S Dianè & S Dianè
Grouting of dispersive dam foundations 539
W.F. Heinz & P.I Segatto
Geosynthetics – An alternative method of soil improvement 551
W.P Hornsey & G.M James
Geosynthetic reinforcement of soft clay under highway embankments 559
I.M Ibrahim & H.M.A Salem
Compaction grouting-application as a method of ground improvement for construction 571
on dolomite
S. Makura, A. Shulze-Hulbe & L. Maree
Soft soil treatment using stone columns 579
Y.E-A Mohamedzein, A.M El Sharief & H.A.E Ismail
Behaviour of Con-Aid treated fine grained Kenyan soils 583
J.N Mukabi, P.A Murunga, J.H Wambura & J.N Maina
Properties and performance of lime kiln dust for stabilisation of soft clay 593
H.R Nikraz
Analysis of the stability of reinforced hydraulic engineering 599
K.Sh. Shadunts & M.-A. Haruna
Impact compaction trials: Assessment of depth and degree of improvement and methods 603
of integrity testing
J.H Strydom
7 Case studies
Etuded de cas
Lavumisa Dam, Swaziland – Interpretation and analysis of foundation seepage and grouting 615
G.N Davis & H.F.W.K Elges
The methodology used to prove the clay reserves at Maguga Dam, Swaziland 623
K. Le roux & H.A.C Meintjes
The stratigraphy and engineering geological characteristics of collapsible residual soils 633
on the Southern Mozambique coastal plain
C.L McKnight
Case studies on the failure mechanism of embankment dams along the outlet conduit 647
due to massive leakage
S.C. Ng’ambi, H. Shimizu, S. Nishimura & R. Nakano
Failure and reconstruction of a small earth dam in residual granites 657
R,J Scheurenberg
Capacity of continuous flight auger piles in the Johannesburg CBD 665
K. Schwartz, A.G. Bear & J.H Strydom
Performance of a high road embankment over a deep zone of peat 675
D.L Webb
Author index
Index des auteurs 683