Handbook of Geosynthetic Engineering

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Handbook of Geosynthetic Engineering details the different types of geosynthetics and their practical application for students and for practising engineers seeking efficient, cost-effective solutions to civil engineering problems.

Additional information

Weight 2000 g

Edited by Sanjay Kumar Shukla


ICE Publishing

ISBN Number



Second Edition



Contents Preface ix
Acknowledgements x
List of contributors xi
About the handbook xiii
1 Fundamentals of geosynthetics 1
S.K. Shukla
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Definitions and classification 1
1.3 Historical development 5
1.4 Basic functions and selection 7
1.5 Raw materials and manufacturing processes 10
1.6 Properties and test methods 14
1.7 Application areas 33
1.8 Standards 35
1.9 Summary of main points 35
1.10 Some common questions and their answers 39
References 41
2 Soil-geosynthetic interaction 45
M.L Lopes
2.1 Introduction 45
2.2 Granular soil behaviour 45
2.3 Soil-geosynthetic interaction mechanisms 46
2.4 Soil-geosynthetic interface resistance 47
2.5 Factors influencing soil-geosynthetic interaction 49
2.6 Laboratory tests for quantification of soil-geosynthetic
interface resistance 55
2.7 Summary of main points 64
2.8 Some common questions and their answers 64
References 65
3 Filters and drains 67
A.H Aydilek
3.1 Filters 67
3.2 Geotextile filters 67
3.3 Geotextile filtration mechanism 67
3.4 Factors affecting geotextile filter behaviour 70
3.5 Laboratory filtration performance tests 74
3.6 Filtration design 76
3.7 Filtration of high water content geomaterials with
geotextiles 78
3.8 Drains 80
3.9 Summary of main points 83
3.10 Common questions and answers 83
References 84
4 Retaining walls 89
B.M Das
4.1 Introduction 89
4.2 Design considerations 89
4.3 Design procedure for retaining walls with geotextile
reinforcement 91
4.4 Design procedure for retaining walls with geogrid
reinforcement 96
4.5 Self-evaluation questions 97
4.6 Summary of main points 98
4.7 Some common questions and their answers 98
References 98
5 Embankments 101
E.M Palmeira
5.1 Introduction 101
5.2 Geosynthetics as a basal reinforcement in embankments 101
5.3 Geosynthetics for drainage in embankments 113
5.4 Combined use of geosynthetics reinforcement and vertical
drainage 116
5.5 Piled embankments 117
5.6 Summary of main points 124
5.7 Some common questions and their answers 124
References 125
6 Shallow foundations 129
S.K Shukla
6.1 Introduction 129
6.2 Reinforcing mechanism and functions 129
6.3 Reinforcing patterns 131
6.4 Modes of failure 131
6.5 Model tests 132
6.6 Load-bearing capacity analysis 139
6.7 Settlement analysis 145
6.8 Prestressed geosynthetic-reinforced foundations 147
6.9 Geosynthetic deflection profiles and strain analysis 151
6.10 Field applications 153
6.11 Summary of main points 157
6.12 Some common questions and their answers 157
References 158
7 Unpaved roads 163
P.L Bourdeau and A.K Ashmawy
7.1 Introduction 163
7.2 Unpaved road reinforcement 164
7.3 Summary of main points 175
7.4 Some common questions and their answers 175
References 175
8 Paved roads 179
S.W Perkins, R.R Berg and B.R Christopher
8.1 Introduction 179
8.2 Distress features and their relationship to geosynthetics 179
8.3 Geosynthetic functions 181
8.4 History and experimental evidence for base reinforcement 185
8.5 Summary of critical design variables for base reinforcement 186
8.6 Design solutions and approaches for base reinforcement 187
8.7 Summary of main points 189
8.8 Some common questions and their answers 189
References 190
9 Railway tracks 193
S.A Tan and S.K Shukla
9.1 Introduction 193
9.2 Track components and substructure 193
9.3 Functions of geosynthetics 196
9.4 Properties of geosynthetics 197
9.5 Design procedure 199
9.6 Installation of geosynthetics 200
9.7 Case histories in railway track stabilisation 200
9.8 Geosynthetic drains for track drainage applications 202
9.9 Summary of main points 205
9.10 Some common questions and their answers 206
References 207
10 Slopes-erosion control 209
T.S Ingold and M.-H Li
10.1 Introduction 209
10.2 Interaction of rain and river erosion 209
10.3 Mechanics of surface erosion 210
10.4 Classification of erosion control systems 210
10.5 Design approach 211
10.6 Study of short-term yield factors 213
10.7 Erosion control performance testing of geosynthetics 215
10.8 Lifetime cost and the performance of erosion control
products 218
10.9 Summary of main points 219
10.10 Some common questions and their answers 219
References 221
11 Slopes-stabilisation 223
S.K Shukla, N Sivakugan and B.M Das
11.1 Introduction 223
11.2 Types and orientations of geosynthetics 224
11.3 Function of reinforcement against slope failure 224
11.4 Stability analysis of reinforced slopes 225
11.5 Design aspects of reinforced slopes 227
11.6 Model tests 229
11.7 Stabilisation methods in practice 231
11.8 Summary of main points 240
11.9 Some common questions and their answers 240
References 241
12 Landfills 245
H. Zanzinger, E. Gartung and W.P Hornsey
12.1 Introduction 245
12.2 Multi-barrier concept 246
12.3 Landfill categories 246
12.4 Basal lining systems 247
12.5 Components of the composite liner 250
12.6 Construction of liners 253
12.7 Leachate collection and removal 255
12.8 Cover system 256
12.9 Summary of main points 259
12.10 Some common questions and their answers 260
References 260
13 Earth dams 263
D.N Singh, S.K Shukla and D.N Arnepalli
13.1 Introduction 263
13.2 Use of conventional materials 264
13.3 Use of geosynthetics 266
13.4 River bed and bank protection 274
13.5 Design considerations 274
13.6 Summary of main points 275
13.7 Some common questions and their answers 275
References 276
14 Containment ponds, reservoirs and canals 279
D. Poulain, N. Touze-Foltz, L. Peyras and C. Duquennoi
14.1 Introduction 279
14.2 Historical background 279
14.3 Design of geosynthetic systems 281
14.4 Evaluation of the durability of geomembranes 284
14.5 Case studies 285
14.6 Summary of main points 295
14.7 Some common questions and their answers 295
References 300
15 Hydraulic tunnels 303
D. Cazzuffi, A. Scuero and G. Vaschetti
15.1 Introduction 303
15.2 Geomembrane systems 304
15.3 The exposed liner systems 307
15.4 The covered liner systems 310
15.5 Summary of main points 313
15.6 Some common questions and their answers 313
References 315
16 Geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls and slopes – seismic
aspects 317
R.J Bathurst, K. Hatami and M.C Alfaro
16.1 Introduction 317
16.2 Material properties under dynamic loading 318
16.3 Seismic analysis and the design of walls and slopes 326
16.4 Physical testing of model walls and slopes 348
16.5 Seismic buffers 353
16.6 Observed performance of reinforced soil walls and slopes
during earthquakes 354
16.7 Summary of main points 355
16.8 Some common questions and their answers 356
References 357
17 Geosynthetic applications – general aspects and selected
case studies 365
S.K Shukla
17.1 Introduction 365
17.2 General guidelines 365
17.3 Quality control and in situ monitoring 369
17.4 Cost analysis 370
17.5 General problems 373
17.6 Selected case studies 374
17.7 Summary of main points 383
17.8 Some common questions and their answers 383
References 384
18 Geosynthetic applications – sustainability aspects 387
A. Bouazza and G. Heerten
18.1 Introduction 387
18.2 Economical and environmental advantages of using
geosynthetics 388
18.3 Life-cycle assessment 389
18.4 Comparison of different construction methods 390
18.5 Summary of main points 395
18.6 Some common questions and their answers 395
References 396
Index 397