Highway Bridge Management

R2200,00 Incl. VAT

Product Code: TD/TTP/HBM
Highway Bridge Management provides bridge maintenance engineers and bridge managers with key information necessary to effectively manage highway bridges and structures. The appropriate maintenance of highway bridges is vital to the safe and economic transport of goods and people. Bridge maintenance engineers need a skill set of asset management; inspection and assessment techniques; value engineering and prioritisation methods; repair techniques; legal and safety matters; as well as stakeholder engagement. This book contains all the necessary information required to manage a highway bridge stock effectively. Written by subject-matter experts with many decades of experience, this book covers
  • asset management
  • bridge inspection
  • strength assessment
  • testing and monitoring
  • scour
  • maintenance interventions of masonry, concrete and metallic bridges
  • specialist highway structures

Additional information

Weight 500 g



ICE Publishing

Author (s):

Edited by Graham Cole and Richard Fish

Publication Date:




About the editors

About the contributors

  1. Introduction
  2. Carbon and sustainability
  3. Management of bridges
  4. Life-cycle management
  5. Operational management
  6. Bridge inspection
  7. Assessment of load capacity of existing highway bridges
  8. Testing and monitoring
  9. Post-tensioned bridges: special inspections
  10. Structural health monitoring
  11. Scour
  12. Masonry arch bridges
  13. Concrete highway bridges
  14. Metal bridges
  15. Maintenance of specialist highway structures
  16. Maintenance of highway bridge elements
