ICE Manual of Blue-Green Infrastructure

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Product Code: TD/TTP/IMBGI
ICE Manual of Blue-Green Infrastructure draws together an exceptional breadth of material to provide a complete practical reference on Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI) solutions. Written and edited by leading specialists, each chapter provides a contemporary overview of a significant area within the field and guidance on key considerations in BGI design, creation, retrofitting and maintenance. The book will help practitioners to explain the value of BGI, embed it into new development projects, retrofit it to older ones and provide for its long-term successful maintenance.

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Edited by Carla-Leanne Washbourne and Claire Wansbury


ICE Publishing

Publication Date:


  1. Definitions and context of blue-green infrastructure, Ian Mell (University of Manchester) and Alister Scott (Northumbria University)
  2. The benefits of blue-green infrastructure, Elana Bader (NatureScot), Chris Rogers (University of Birmingham), Martin Faulkner (NatureScot) and Mark Gough (Capitals Coalition)
  3. Masterplanning for blue-green infrastructure, Peter Massini (Future Nature Consulting Ltd) and Sheena Raeburn (RaeburnFarquharBowen)
  4. Coastal and marine blue-green infrastructure, Larissa A Naylor (University of Glasgow), Eliška Kosová (University of Glasgow), Tim Gardiner (Environment Agency), Nick Cutts with Krystal Hemingway (Cutts & Hemingway Estuarine Ecology and Management Ltd), Roger JH Herbert (University of Bournemouth), Alice E Hall (University of Plymouth) and Mairi MacArthur (University of Glasgow)
  5. Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), Jeremy Jones (Atkins Ltd), Bridget Woods Ballard (HR Wallingford), Alison Duffy (Abertay University) and Claire L Walsh (Newcastle University)
  6. Green bridges, Stephanie Peay (AECOM) and Sarah Kydd (WSP)
  7. Green roofs, Caroline Nash (University of East London), Aurore Julien (University of East London), Chris Roddick (Bauder) and Stuart Connop (University of East London)
  8. Living walls, Shelley Mosco (formerly University of Greenwich)
  9. Trees as urban infrastructure, Emma Ferranti (University of Birmingham; Trees and Design Action Group), Anne Jaluzot (Green Infrastructure Planning Consultant), Sue James (Trees and Design Action Group) and Kieron Doick (Forest Research)
  10. Blue-green infrastructure on highways, Phil Sterling (Butterfly Conservation), Ben Hewlett (National Highways) and Kate Petty (Bath Spa University) with contributions from Clare Warburton (Natural England) and Mark Schofield (Plantlife)
  11. Soil management and engineering for blue-green infrastructure, Mark A Goddard (Northumbria University), Helen C Glanville (Loughborough University), Carla Comadran-Casas (University of Glasgow), M Ehsan Jorat (Abertay University), David AC Manning (Newcastle University), Miranda T Prendergast-Miller (Northumbria University) and Kevin D Stott (Northumbria University)
  12. Blue-green infrastructure on mineral sites, Richard Lord (University of Strathclyde), Andy J Moffat (AJ Moffat & Associates), Danni Sinnett (University of the West of England), Peter Phillips (Scottish Government), Dave Brignall (Wardell Armstrong LLP) and David Manning (Newcastle University)
  13. Frontiers in blue-green infrastructure, Michael Hardman (University of Salford), Katherine Baldock (Northumbria University), Stuart Connop (University of East London), Kenny Taylor (NatureScot) and Ross Stirling (Newcastle University)
  14. Stewardship, management and maintenance of blue-green infrastructure, Jon Rooney (Arup) and Rebecca Martin (The Environment Partnership (TEP) Ltd)
  15. Standards for blue-green infrastructure, Jane Houghton (Natural England), Clare Warburton (Natural England), Mike Grace (Birmingham City University), Alison Smith (University of Oxford), Peter Neal (Peter Neal Consulting), Ian Mell (University of Manchester), Gemma Jerome (Building with Nature), Martin Moss (Natural England), David Fanaroff (Natural England) and Amy Croombs (Natural England)
  16. Case studies of blue-green infrastructure in spatial planning, Alister Scott (Northumbria University), Elana Bader (NatureScot) and Nicola Dempsey (University of Sheffield)